With the Education and Research Platform of Social Engagement for the Next Generation at the Core, Develop "Collaborative Education, Cooperation, and Cocreation" Through Collaborations among Industry, Government, and Academia.

The "WISE Program for Sustainability in the Dynamic Earth" is a degree program that is related to disaster science, which is the major focus of Tohoku University. We aim to foster "snow crystal human resources" who are equipped with not only a thorough understanding and knowledge of the dynamically evolving Earth and environment, but also with the ability to practice and act on advanced knowledge and technologies in the society. They are expected to develop the ability to foresee and solve problems.

Students who complete this program and train in one of the world's best education and research environments are expected to succeed in international organizations and government offices concerned with tackling risks associated with natural and man-made disasters. Multifaceted skills cultivated through advanced liberal arts education will be utilized in complex risk management techniques that urgently need to be introduced and improved in various industries. This program is designed to develop talents who play a central and leading role in a knowledge-based society.

In this program, we establish a sustainability consortium led by companies and organizations in the risk-related domains, and drive efforts to generate new knowledge based on collaboration between the industry and academia. "Sustainability" is essential not only for the Earth and environment, but also for business strategies and activities. Leading talents who can view the future with a wide perspective can board the flight from Sendai to the rest of Japan and to the world.